AFDA Recap of Hill Visits

May 4, 2016 | News & Announcements

On April 28, AFDA members visited our congressional delegation to discuss pending federal legislation and issues important to our industry.

Attendees on behalf of AFDA were: Bill Booker, Courtney Crouch, Sumner Brashears, Robert Eichelberger, Don Martin and Doug Matayo.

Each member of congress met personally with the delegation from AFDA and were receptive to the issues discussed. The group emphasized the need for a low tax rate and less regulation on small businesses. The federal legislations discussed were: H.R. 1911 by Representative Duncan Hunter which would increase the value of VA funeral and burial benefits; H.R. 1109 by Representative Mimi Walters which would increase the Lump Sum Death Benefit from $255 to $1,000 from Social Security; and finally, H.R. 250 by Representatives Gerry Connolly and Tom Rooney which would provide a permanent appropriation for payment of death gratuities and related benefits for survivors and deceased members of uniformed services.

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